
Who is Amir Taheri?

Amir Taheri was born in 1362. It was in his early teens that Dell fell into the paws of the great violinist artist of Iran and the world and began learning violin at the age of 16 with Master Taghi. After completing the elementary course of playing the violin, he went to Master Mohammad Reza Atabaki‘s class and completed his apprenticeship.

He then taught at Tehran Music Schools and other cities in Tehran Province, while studying at the Tehran Conservatory, and also benefited from the presence of Professor Katayun Mazkori.


  • Awarded the top violin brand at the Miamex Musical Instrument Exhibition in Years 2011, 2014 and 2016

  • Member of the American Violin Association

  • Patent Raga Brand Patent Training Product Patent

  • Setting up a specialized studio for sound instrument testing

  • Member of the country makers association

  • Attending the national exhibition of handmade instruments